
For Sale


  • Gelding
  • AMHA 204440
  • Black, narrow crescent star, left hind pastern
  • Foaled April 28, 2022
  • Owned By Alison Chickering
  • Price: $25,000

This big, typy, and black 3YO gelding has an extravagant way of moving, and is ready for serious training. He's now broke to ride—walks, trots & canters—and has a great mind. His sensibility makes him a wonderful prospect to head off in any direction you choose.

The Equinox Morgans are World renowned in every discipline. They are show horses, breeding horses, and family horses. Their program defines the versatility of the Morgan Horse.

Rocky offers unmistakeable Morgan brains, beauty, type, charisma, and style. We see him as an exemplary prospect for the western pleasure division. But he could go any number of ways, or live up to his breed's versatility by heading toward western dressage, carriage driving, or the very popular ranch horse division!

For more information, contact Alison Chickering at 603-762-3343, or

For further information contact:

Tammy Levesque
Wingedspur Farm
158 Maynard Ave
Manchester, NH 03103
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