
For Sale


  • Gelding
  • AMHA 201117
  • Bay with star
  • Foaled May 04, 2021
  • Owned By Fern Park Morgans / Mary Clure
  • Price: $4,000

World Futurity Nominated!

"Ash" is a very gifted youngster with loads of natural motion and tail flagging charisma. He thinks a lot of himself and loves to show off his bouncy trot. He is very smart, easy to handle and has beautiful straight legs.

He is growing up nicely and is ready to head to the training barn. He clips, bathes, fly sprays without a halter and keeps his paddock neat as a pin. He knows the basics of modeling and will trot down the line without dropping an ear. He learns very quickly, always greets you with a nicker, adores attention and is an excellent choice for someone looking for a solid investment at a steal of a price. Plus, he is handsome with a great topline.

He is a striking combination of Noble Flaire, Waseeka's Showtime with a nice blend of Panfield, Flying Jubilee and Wham Bam Command. His sire is a Grand National Champion performance horse and the sire of many nationally titled horses.

We have decided to disperse the herd my parents started breeding back in 1965, and Ash carries the blood of their very first Morgan.

The remaining stock available will need to find homes soon, as we are downsizing to a smaller property.

For further information contact:

Mary Clure
Fern Park Morgans
32664 Lynx Hollow Rd.
Creswell, OR 97426
HVK Man About TownNoble FlaireNoble CommandWaseeka's In Command
Waseeka's Interlude
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Trophy's Corrigan
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DSF Trophy's Milady
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Louella Field
Scott's HeatherFerncrest Gayscott
Ferncrest Sparky
Futurity Hot PepperWaseeka's ShowtimeWaseeka's Nocturne
Waseeka's Thisisit
Honor CommandWaseeka's In Command
Highmeadow's Kadie

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