Please read our Terms of Service and Disclaimer before listing or buying a horse on

ONLINE SUBMISSION FORM$75 lists your horse until it SELLS

If you need to make revisions or additions to an existing ad, please use the Contact Us page.

PLEASE READ: Once you've submitted and paid for your listing, it will be checked for accuracy, spelling, grammar and each horse’s information is verified in the AMHA Registry Database, and your photos are resized, color adjusted and cropped if necessary. Your finished listing will then be launched on our website and a promotional post will go on our MorganShowcase Facebook page. While all this sometimes takes a day or two, it’s worth the wait! Your horse will be presented in its very best light to thousands of people every week. With over 30 years of marketing and advertising experience (and over 45 years of Morgan Horse ownership), we strive to insure that every listing is the best it can be to promote the sale or services of your horse.

NOTE: Occasionally, a listing is submitted with photos that we don't feel will positively reflect and help to sell your horse. We will then reply to you explaining our concerns and asking for additional photos. Please make sure to check your email (or spam folder) the first few days after you submit a listing to make sure we have not asked for clarification or new photos. New listings receive lots of attention, so we want to insure your first impression is the best!

Format all fields as you want them to be displayed.

Contact Name:
Farm Name:
Phone Number 1:
Phone Number 2:
Confirm E-mail:
Website address (i.e.
Horse Owner Name:
Horse's REGISTERED Name:
(you MUST use a name, NO BARN NAMES)
AMHA Registration # OR RAF if not yet registered:
If Canadian, add CN after number
Date Foaled :
Color and Markings:
Asking Price (optional):
* We strongly suggest putting prices on these listings as you will receive many more inquiries.
Price Category (required if not listing price):
Available for Lease ?:
Discipline (please limit to your 4 top choices)
Carriage Driving or CDE
Classic Pleasure
Hunter Pleasure
Jumper or Eventing
Park Saddle or Harness
English Pleasure/Driving
Trail & Pleasure Riding
Western Pleasure
Western Dressage
Reining or Cutting
(DO NOT use emojis in your text or your listing will not upload to our website.)
Photos (Listings will not go live on the site unless they have at least one photo or a video link):
Photo's Valid Extensions(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)

Please make sure the names of your files specified above do not include any special characters, such as \@~#$%'.

Video Link 1(Youtube, Vimeo) :

Video Link 2(Youtube, Vimeo) :

Extended Pedigree:
To help us get your listing posted faster, enter extended pedigree information below without registration numbers and DO NOT TYPE IN ALL CAPS.



You will review your information on the next page, then approve or edit and submit payment.

Please answer the following math problem to prove you are human.
8 + six =